PLF 2024-2025 | European University Institute, Italy

The Policy Leader Fellowship (PLF) at the Florence School of Transnational Governance (STG) is a residential program for mid-career policy professionals from a range of policy fields: politics, civil service, media, non-governmental organizations, and others.
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PLF 2024-2025 | European University Institute, Italy

European University Institute, Italy | PLF 2024-2025

The Policy Leader Fellowship (PLF) at the Florence School of Transnational Governance (STG) is a residential program for mid-career policy professionals from a range of policy fields: politics, civil service, media, non-governmental organizations, and others. PLF 2024-2025 | European University Institute, Italy. This unique program is nested within one of the most renowned academic institutions in Europe and provides the fellows with an insider view into the EU policy-making process. The program does not require an academic training background and instead seeks to attract individuals with diverse hands-on experiences in policy-making across the globe.

Duration of Fellowship:

The fellowships are offered for a duration of five or ten months. Candidates should indicate their preferences from the following options;

  • Five months: September 2024 – January 2025 or February 2025- June 2025
  • Ten months: September 2024 – June 2025

Number of fellowships:

The STG can allocate approximately twenty to twenty-five fellowships per academic year. The program can usually select around four to five percent of those who apply.


Fellows must reside in the area of Florence for the duration of their fellowships so that they can take an active part in the activities of the EUI/STG and the fellowship program (with the possibility of short visits outside Florence and Italy)


The basic grant is € 2,500 per month. Successful applicants who receive other grants or salaries must disclose this to the EUI. The amount of the Fellowship will be fixed at a lower rate (minimum €1,750 per month) depending on the amount of the additional income (upon production of relevant supporting documents).

Family allowances:

A household allowance of up to € 300 per month is paid to a Fellow with a partner if the partner lives with them in Florence and on the condition that the partner’s income is less than € 2,000 per month. The sum of income and allowance cannot exceed € 2,000 per month (i.e. if the income is more than € 1,700, the allowance will be paid only to top up to € 2,000).

An allowance of € 200 per month is paid for each dependent child. Fellows are entitled to these allowances if they can declare that they are not receiving any similar allowance from another source, and upon submission of relevant supporting documents (i.e. marriage or partner certificate, or proof of cohabitation in Florence; birth certificates).

For dependent children in full-time education and over the age of 18, a school or university certificate is required. No allowance is paid for dependent children over the age of 26.


The fellowship is not taxed by the EUI. Fellows are, however, required to comply with any other tax provisions which may be applicable to them.

Medical Insurance:

Fellows must have adequate medical insurance coverage during their stay at the Institute. They can either provide proof of their own insurance scheme or subscribe to the EUI’s private sickness and health insurance scheme at their own expense. See the Cigna Insurance Scheme for conditions.

Travel Expenses:

Fellows (but not their families) receive reimbursement for the incoming trip from their place of origin to Florence and for the outgoing trip to their destination at the end of their fellowship.

  • First-class rail (travel by car is also reimbursed on this basis)
  • Economy class airfare

The maximum amount for travel reimbursement amounts to €1,200 including both incoming and outgoing trips. Taxi expenses are not reimbursed.


  • Applications from anywhere in the world are welcomed
  • EU citizenship is not mandatory
  • No age limit, however, applicants are expected to demonstrate at least 10 years of relevant professional experience
  • Upon completion of the program, the fellows join a global alumni network of policy professionals and have access to lifelong training opportunities at the EUI


  • Applications need to be submitted through the online application portal. Paper or email applications will not be considered
  • The application deadline for the 2024-2025 call is 25th January 2024 (14:00 CET)
  • Register your application as soon as possible to give your referees sufficient time to submit the reference letter
  • Applications should be submitted before the deadline

Note: once you have registered your application, you may change your application details and attachments but once submitted, it will not be possible to update or modify your application.

Recommended: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree

Requested Documents:

  • CV (maximum 3 pages)
  • Short biography (maximum 250 words), a quick overview of the candidate’s profile
  • Two reference letters (reference letters must be submitted online directly by the referees up to a week after the application deadline. Reference letters will not be accepted after 31st January 2024 (14:00 CET). The process works as follows: –
  • Applicants inset the referees’ names and contact details in the application form
  • An automatic email is sent to referees asking them to upload a letter directly on the application platform


  • It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact the referees directly to inform them of the request and to verify that they have received the automatic email. The applicant can track the submission of the reference letters directly on the platform.
  • Reference letters will be only accepted in PDF format.
  • Letters in a language other than English may be accepted, but English will guarantee the widest possible reading.
  • Preferences should be given to non-academic referees and ideally individuals who know the applicant in a professional capacity. References should be from current full-time or part-time EUI professors or staff members will not be accepted.
  • If in doubt, or if your referee prefers to submit your reference letter by email, please contact

Copy of Educational documents

  • Letter of motivation (maximum 1000 words) outlining the applicant’s main reason to apply for the fellowship, the objectives to be pursued during the program highlighting interest in specific transnational policy issues and further professional aspirations.
  • The work plan (maximum 2500 words) should include the project title, a summary/abstract, the main objectives, milestones, and the related activities to achieve the envisaged outputs; the activities should be allocated appropriately based on a five or ten-month fellowship timeline.
  • Optional work sample(s) (maximum 2 samples) if relevant

English Knowledge:

  • The expected level of English proficiency is level C1 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)
  • Native English speakers are exempted from proof, others will be required to produce any one from TOEFL, IELTS, CAE, TOEIC, or BEC

Selection Criteria:

  • Mid-career professionals can demonstrate solid professional experience (minimum 10 years) and potential for further excellence in a given policy area; candidates with strictly academic profiles typically will not be considered.
  • Self-motivated and driven, able to autonomously accomplish the activities presented under the fellowship work plan.
  • Open-minded and curious individuals willing to eager in peer discussion on topics that may go beyond their areas of expertise.

Evaluation criteria:

  • Accomplishment and potential
  • Focus area
  • Fellowship work plan
  • Motivation
  • Diversity

Selection Procedure:

First step:

Applications are reviewed to perform a basic eligibility check and, if eligible, are forwarded to review of the Selection Committee. Incomplete or late applications are discarded at this stage.

Second step:

The selection committee members review the application in light of each applicant’s professional profile, and their proposed work plan.

Third step:

A short list and a reserve list are presented to the EUI Executive Committee for consideration. Their decision is final and hence no appeal is possible.

Fourth step:

The final decision is communicated to the applicants within four months of the application deadline by the Academic Service of the EUI.

Official Link:  European University Institute

What is the Policy Leader Fellowship (PLF) at the European University Institute?

The Policy Leader Fellowship (PLF) is a residential program for mid-career policy professionals at the Florence School of Transnational Governance (STG). It provides fellows with an insider view into the EU policy-making process and is designed for individuals from diverse policy fields including politics, civil service, media, and non-governmental organizations.

Who is eligible to apply for the PLF?

Eligible applicants must:

  • Be mid-career professionals with at least 10 years of relevant professional experience.
  • Demonstrate potential for further excellence in a specific policy area.
  • Be open-minded and willing to engage in peer discussions.
  • EU citizenship is not required.
  • No academic training background is necessary, but diverse hands-on policy-making experience is preferred.

How many fellowships are available?

The STG allocates approximately twenty to twenty-five fellowships per academic year, selecting around four to five percent of applicants.

What financial support is provided?

Fellows receive a basic grant of €2,500 per month. Additional benefits include:

  • Household allowance of up to €300 per month for a partner.
  • Allowance of €200 per month for each dependent child.
  • Travel reimbursement up to €1,200 for incoming and outgoing trips.

What are the application requirements?

Applicants must submit:

  • CV (maximum 3 pages).
  • Short biography (maximum 250 words).
  • Two reference letters.
  • Copy of educational documents.
  • Motivation letter (maximum 1000 words).
  • Work plan (maximum 2500 words).
  • Optional work samples (maximum 2 samples).
  • Proof of English proficiency (level C1 CEFR).

Is there a tax implication for the fellowship grant?

The fellowship grant is not taxed by the EUI. However, fellows must still comply with any other applicable tax provisions in their home country.

What are the residency requirements for fellows?

Fellows must reside in Florence for the duration of the fellowship, with allowances for short visits outside Florence and Italy.