Intl Excellence Scholarship 2024 – Univ. of Waikato, NZ

Intl Excellence Scholarship 2024 – Univ. of Waikato, NZ

Intl Excellence Scholarship 2024 – Univ. of Waikato, NZ. The Vice-Chancellor’s International Excellence Scholarship was established with the main features of promoting education enhancement with multiple opportunities, fostering internationalization, and supporting international students enrolling as new international students into undergraduate or postgraduate programs. This scholarship is for those international students who choose to study face-to-face at The University of Waikato.

Awarding Country: New Zeeland

Awarding University: University of Waikato

Eligible Countries: All International Students can apply

Study Level: Undergraduate and Postgraduate

Subject Programmes:

All Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs except Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. International students applying for an undergraduate or postgraduate program to the University of Waikato as a new student
  2. Have received a conditional or unconditional offer letter from the University
  3. Have a minimum GPA equivalency of B+
  4. Have paid fees for the selected program at the time of the application
  5. Not be coming to the University via a sponsoring body
  6. Not be coming on a guaranteed credit arrangement, or through a study abroad or student exchange agreement.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Academic merit
  2. Must have the potential to become a global ambassador for the University of Waikato

On-going eligibility is conditional on recipients:

  1. Enrolling within 12 months of the dates outlined in the offer of a place and commencing a full-time program of study of at least 120 points at the University of Waikato in the year(s) of tenure.
    • The scholarship offer is valid within 12 months mentioned in an offer unless deferral is approved.
    • Request for deferral of the scholarship may be applied through application but approval purely depends on the discretion of the committee.
  2. Residing in New Zealand for the scholarship tenure and remaining study full time on campus in New Zealand
  3. Unable to maintain International Students’ status
  4. If an offer is with a tenure of more than a year, then additional years are conditional.

Awarding, Value and Tenure:

  1. Tenure between 1 -3 years.
  2. Undergraduate International students will receive between $ 2,500 and $ 15,000 depending on the duration of study.
  3. Postgraduate international students will receive between $2, 2,500 and $ 15,000 depending on the duration of study.
  4. The scholarship will be applied directly to the recipient international student’s tuition fee
  5. International students with pathway offers will get scholarships once their enrollment is completed.
  6. Successful intentional students will be notified through their portal.
  7. Scholarship offers will be valid only for 14 days and should be accepted within 14 days.


  1. The application can be submitted at any time
  2. Normally international students will get a response within 8 to 12 weeks of the time of application.
  3. Applications may not be considered if received within the start of each three main trimesters.
  4. Apply online with all required documents.

Selection panel:

  1. Applications will be ranked and recommended according to the Selection Criteria by the International Office and forwarded to the Selection Panel.
  2. The Selection Panel will comprise the Chair of the Scholarship Committee and the Director
  3. The panel’s decision is final
    Recommended: International Student Excellence Scholarship

Official Link:  The University of Waikato