National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic – 2024

The National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic (NSP) was established in 2005 with the help of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic for the support of mobility of international students, PhD students, University teachers, researchers and artists.
a group of people sitting at a table

National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic – 2024 | Mobility of International Students | Masters | PhD | University Teachers | Researchers | Artists

The National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic (NSP) was established in 2005 with the help of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic for the support of mobility of international students, PhD students, University teachers, researchers and artists. Every year a great number of international students get selected under the Slovak Republic National Scholarship Program  around the globe.

Table of Contents

  1. Host Country
  2. Eligible Countries
  3. Duration of Scholarship
  4. Eligibility Requirements
  5. Scholarship Benefits
  6. Application Deadline
  7. Application Procedure
  8. Required Documents
  9. Selection Procedures
  10. More Information
  11. FAQs

Host Country:

The Slovakia Republic is the host country.

Eligible Countries:

International students from all Nationalities are encouraged to apply.

Duration of Scholarship Stay:

1-10 months is the duration of the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic depending on the type of application.

Eligibility Requirements:

Eligible applicants for a National scholarship program of the Slovak Republic – 2024 are as follows:

Students who:

  • are university students outside of Slovakia Republic
  • are students of the second level of higher education (master’s degree students), or are students who at the time of the application deadline have already completed at least 2.5 years of their home university studies in the same or similar program mentioned in the National Republic of the Slovak Republic.
  • will be on a study stay in the Slovak Republic during higher education outside the Slovak Republic and will be accepted by a public, private, or state higher education institution in the Slovak Republic for academic mobility to study in Slovakia

(All above-mentioned conditions must be met. The above category does not apply for PhD studies).

  PhD students

whose higher education or scientific training takes place outside Slovakia and who are accepted by a public, private, or state higher education           institution or a research institution in Slovakia eligible to carry out a doctoral study program

 International university teachers, researchers, and artists

who are invited to a teaching/research / artistic stay in the Slovak Republic by an institution with a valid certificate of eligibility to carry out research and development, which is not a business company and has its seats in the Slovak Republic National Program – 2024.

Scholarship Benefits: 

The scholarship benefits against each category are as follows:-

Category A:  

  • University Student of the second level of higher education – 620 EUR

Category B:

  • PhD Student – 1025,50 EUR

Category C:

  • Without Ph.D. degree (or its equivalent) and at the same time less than 4 years of professional work experience as a university teacher/researcher/artist – 1025,50 EUR
  • With Ph.D. degree (or its equivalent) and at the same time less than 10 years of professional work experience as a university teacher/researcher/artist – 1370 EUR
  • With Ph.D. degree (or its equivalent) and at the same time more than 10 years of work professional experience as a university teacher/researcher/artist – 1470 EUR

Travel Grant: Students and PhD students (Category A and Category B) may be awarded a travel allowance apart from the scholarship amount as follows:

  • distance up to 2,00 km – 0 €,
  • distance more than 2,00 km, max. 300 km – 50 €,
  • distance more than 3,00 km, max. 500 km – 100 €,
  • distance more than 5,00 km, max. 1, 000 km – 250 €,
  • distance more than 1 0,00 km, max. 2,000 km – 350 €,
  • distance more than 2 0,00 km, max. 3, 000 km – 500 €,
  • distance more than 3 0,00 km, max. 5, 000 km – 750 €,
  • distance more than 5 0,00 km, max. 7 ,000 km – 1 ,100 €,
  • distance more than 7 0,00 km – 1 ,500 €.

Application Deadlines:

  • 30 April at 16:00 CET – Scholarship stays during the next academic year
  • 31 Oct at 16:00 CET – Scholarship stays during the summer semester of the current academic year

Application Procedure:

  • Scholarship applications from all applicants are submitted online at
  • The online application system/portal is opened at least 6 weeks before the application deadline.
  • Requested documents must be attached and submitted on portal within the given time frame.

 Required Documents:

  • CV ( Curriculum Vitae)
  • a well written Motivational Letter
  • A Detailed Study Program
  • Two recommendation letters issued by the applicant university professors
  • Confirmation officially issued by the applicant’s home higher education institution confirming that the applicant is a regular student of the respective higher education institution at the time of applying for the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic.
  • All previous Transcripts / Degrees
  • Admission / Invitation letter issued by applicants host higher education institution in Slovakia indicating the period of stay for studies
  • Study/research / artistic program in details
  • Recommendation letter issued by applicant’s dissertation supervisor (for PhD students only)

 Selection Procedure:

Selection will purely be on merit considering all requirements fulfilled by the applicants.

More information:

Contact details for Program administrator for university teachers, researchers, and artists:


tel: +421-2-5930-4733 (direct line)

Contact details program administrator for university students, PhD students:


tel: +421-2-5930 4736 (direct line)

SAIA, n. o.
Sasinkova 10
812 20 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic

tel: +421-2-5930-4700, +421-2-5930-4711

fax: +421-2-5930-4701

Note: A complete list of Previous scholarship holders can be found on the following links: , 


i.  What is the application deadline for the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic?

30th April

Jan-06-list-of-previous-scholarhsip-holdersOfficial Link:  SAIA